
When we buy a packet of seeds, they come with a list of instructions that are unique to the plant we hope they'll become. When to plant them, what kind of soil, how much sunshine they need, whether they can handle frost, and whether they can be sown directly into the ground or if they need sowing into trays and then their space upgraded as they grow into seedlings and so on. We’re just like that pack of seeds, within us are hundreds of seeds of hopes, dreams, wants and needs, which need nurturing too.

We are all unique individuals,  just like those seeds, there will be conditions in which we will thrive and conditions in which we won’t do so well in but it’s good to remember that we may not share the same optimum “growing” conditions as someone else. But that’s what makes us all quintessentially us. You might be someone who dives into the deep end when a problem arises or perhaps you deal with things step by step, stage by stage. Maybe you feel more energised and raring to go in the morning or possibly it's the evening when you seem to come alive.

The thing about planting plant seeds is that for a while after they're planted, nothing seems to be happening. We might see a glimmer of green to find it's a weed, not something we planted at all. It takes time for the seed to have enough of what it needs, to germinate. We might find that we need to tweak the conditions surrounding the seeds; protect them from frost, apply plant food, water them often. We don't just plant them and leave them and expect them to grow into a healthy flowersome thing. We learn to have patience.

You know where I’m going with this, right?! For a while the changes you make in your own life, the metaphorical seeds you've sown, mightn't seem to reap the harvest you hoped for. Perhaps the trying sometimes gives way to the 'weeds' the old habits and thoughts and behaviours we were trying to replace or remove. It's at this point, we might give up, but please don't. Tweak the conditions surrounding yourself and let it be a proactive tweaking process that brings with it an awareness of what it is you need right now to help you bloom into a flowersome person.

We are a growing being and all growing beings “need” nurturing. There’s not a “negotiable”, a “can do without” option. Having an opt out clause is not a healthy path to take. Nurturing is an ongoing process and we all need different growing conditions. Taking that thought one stage further, its learning about what growing conditions do each of us need? And remember it’s OK to be different from the person next to us. What might those growing conditions look like?

“A good enough” (because that’s the new perfect) balance of sleep, eating, work and fun🤗

But also, some quiet down time, watching a film, reading or listening to a book or even staring in to space🙂

Perhaps it’s gong for a walk? Or if feeling energised, going to the gym, going for a run? Dancing? Yoga?🧘🏼

Pottering in the garden? Garage? Cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs?🪄

Or maybe it’s baking? Journaling? Catching up with friends? Talking, chatting and listening👯‍♂️👯‍♂️

There will be lots of other ways too, see if you can find what works for you. What works one month may not work the next, so its good to be prepared to be flexible! Happy growing!