Saying Goodbye......

The Old Rabbit

Upon the downs two rabbits were

One was old and grey of fur

Then one morn when frost arrived

The older rabbit would not arise,

Now long a cold and empty path

A rabbit hops with heavy heart

No bird song sweet nor sunrise glow

Could reach the soul of one so low,

Paw by paw struggled he

"Til asleep he fell beneath a tree

Then suddenly amongst the roots

Was dear old rabbit, before him stood

'Is this real or do I a dream?

Yes and yes, if you see what I mean

"You need not grieve for nothing is wrong

'Leaves may fall, yet the tree lives on,

"Consider roots, branches and leaves

'All part of the same beautiful being

"Thus with you forever I'll be

'For one and the same are leaf and tree',

"See life is a story, a dance and a song

'All you need do is but sing along

Feel the sun and the rain, for each is a gift

"Wake up every day, my boy, and live',

And when he awoke, through the frost he skipped

The breeze in his whiskers, birds chirped and chipped

Leaping high in the sky, dawns light in his eyes

He was more than just happy; he was alive.

By Matthew Huggins